The seasons of change

The children have gone back to school, it is becoming cooler in the evenings, and the leaves are started to change colors. These are all signs of autumn.  Some welcome the change from the hot and humid summer days, and some dread the change as they know old man winter will follow shortly after.  At Oak Hills in activities, September and October are fun months with much to do.  We will continue to go on outings until it becomes to cold.  Recent outings have been to Schell’s brewery and Walmart.  We will try to catch the leaves at the height of their color change and take the residents out to see them on a bus tour.  We will also be celebrating harvest and Oktoberfest, and of course Halloween.  We have partnered with Bank Midwest and Kid’s Connection on Weds, Sept 12th to paint Kindness Rocks.  The Eagles 4 preschool classes will start coming in October for their monthly visits, as well as the Kindergarten classes that started coming last spring.  The MLC students came back already last week, with their weekly Tues evening activities.  This group of college students refer to themselves as the Anchor group and plan an activity to do once a week with the residents.  We are fortunate to have many inter generational connections.

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