Annual Ice Cream Social

The Annual Ice Cream Social will be held on Weds, June 26th at 5:30pm in the front of the building.  The New Ulm Municipal Band will be performing, and ice cream sundaes will be sold.  This fundraiser has been being held since Highland Manor days when it was started by the Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary ran it for many years and continued it when we moved to Oak Hills Living Center.  The format and location has changed a little bit through the years, but one thing has remained the same it is a gathering of friends, family, residents, staff, and community members that are coming together to support the communities home.   There is also the treat of a wonderful music, and a delicious dessert.  This is the first year the the Oak Hill Memorial Foundation will be running the event.  I am sure a good time will be had by all.  Won’t you join us!

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