Summer time

We are about half way through the summer and have been enjoying the opportunities to be outside.  We have taken 2 fishing trips to Sleepy Eye lake with the Sleepy Eye area sportsman boating and bobber program.  Residents are able to go out on a pontoon, and try their hand at some fishing.   We have more youth that volunteer and have groups of students coming from Kids Connection, Kids Excel, and church programs.  We love to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.  Whether it is sitting out front, greeting our visitors, and taking a ride on the handicapped accessible swing, or going out to our courtyard and enjoying the beautiful flowers, and water fountain from the shade of our gazebo.  Volunteer Gigi Rsydahl and friends have taken care of the gardens in the courtyard for many years.  They do a wonderful job, the residents love looking at the flowers and we receive many compliments.  We were also able to take several tours around town on our bus in June.  This gave the residents the opportunity to see everything that is going on in town, the new buildings and businesses, and of course some of their favorite spots like Schell’s and the Glockenspiel.

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