Candas Schouvieller, Administrator
Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides a monthly report called the Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes. Oak Hills overall quality score is a 5 star and the quality measures is a 5 star. This data comes from the MDS (Minimum Data Set) which is part of the federally mandated process for clinical assessment of all residents in Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes. This process provides a comprehensive assessment of each resident’s functional capabilities and helps nursing home staff identify health problems. Care Area Assessments (CAAs) are part of this process, and provide the foundation upon which resident’s individual care plan is formulated. MDS is required upon admission, periodically throughout the residents stay and on discharge.
The Five-Star health inspection rating is based on three cycles of survey data and three years of complaint and focus infection control inspections. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have not had a full survey since January 16, 2020. So the last 3 survey results are from 2017-2020. We currently are at a 3 star rating.
Staffing hours per resident day is reported to CMS via PBJ (payroll based journal) reporting. Oak Hills is currently rated at a 5 star for RN staffing and a 5 star for overall staffing. The total number of nursing hours per resident per day is on average 4 hours.
The report breaks down all the quality measures into detail by percentages. We review this information monthly at our Quality Assurance Meeting. If there is a quality measure that is lower than we would like to see, our focus is on how do we get better outcomes in those areas. Once a year, we also participate in the Quality Improvement Incentive Payment Program (QIIP) and the Performance-Base Incentive Payment Program (PIPP) which are two programs funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services Nursing Facility Rates and Policy Division. We are happy to report that our current QIIP to improve resident incontinence was a success! We will now receive an additional $3.50 per resident day from CMS.
Oak Hills Living Center is a crucial asset to New Ulm and our health care continuum. I am excited to be a part of the Operating Board to represent future employees and residents of generations who may not necessarily keep their senior years at the forefront of their minds.
– Danielle Marti

Statewide Volunteer of the Year, Gigi Rysdahl!
On Friday, February 11, 2022, Oak Hills Living Center proudly accepted the Statewide Volunteer of the Year award at the 2022 LeadingAge Institute in St. Paul, MN on behalf of Gigi Rysdahl.
For the past 25 years, Gigi has worked tirelessly to care for and transform our courtyard into the beautiful retreat our residents enjoy. Thank you Gigi for your dedication and service. You are a blessing! We are grateful for you.
Operating Expenses Explained – Adam Back, Finance Director
Every home comes with expenses and Oak Hills Living Center costs more than $10 million annually to provide care, clean, feed, maintain and manage. The largest of these expenses is for direct care. As appropriate admin expenses are reviewed frequently. Currently, admin expenses include labor & benefits, professional fees, IT, and scholarships. Another area we watch closely is food costs. For example, in 2021 ground beef cost $2.66 lb and now it is $4.04 lb. So to order the same 480 lbs of ground beef cost $1,276.80 last year and now $1,939.20. That’s an increase of $662.40 every 5 weeks.

Thank you to our 19th Annual Bowling Classic community lead committee, Elaine Paa, Mona Albrecht, Tim Reinke and Patty Matthews for your time, talents and support. On February 28, 2022, 16 teams of 6 bowlers came together to raise more than $19,000 in gross funds to replace our 10 locking medication carts. Each cart costs $1,800. It was a great day! Click here for full results.

Employee of the Month
Our employee of the month is Lily Miklas, RNA, TMA. Her co-workers say Lily is very positive and cares about everyone. She is amazing at her job and friendly to all. Way to go Lily! You are appreciated and your dedication is commendable. Keep up the great work. Congratulations!
March Employee Anniversaries
Name | Hire Year |
Brittany Halverson Crystal Lieder Ann Botten Victoria Botten Lori Standafer Ashlyn Berg Kristen Compton Jillian Griebel Clare Fischer William Smith Sandra Adame Elizabeth Olson Maria Rivera | 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 |

Meet a Resident
As a child, Lorna W. loved playing in trees and making mud pies along with spending time with her Dad. She enjoys playing cards, loves to read and misses dancing and being outside without supervision. When asked if she had a favorite staff person, Lorna said, “I love the young workers. There are some real nice honey’s here but I like all the workers.” Lorna’s favorite meal is steak, baked potato and non-lettuce salad. Thank you, Lorna! We appreciate your bright smile and meal suggestion for our next Wine and Dine!
Thank You Donors!

Donor recognition levels and acknowledgements are now available online. A permanent donor wall will be installed upon completion of the project. View donor recognition now by clicking here.
Your commitment to Growing Our Tomorrow at Oak Hills Living Center is appreciated.